When a Contact is added to Salesforce, it is always associated with an Account - where one Account can have many Contacts, with varying roles.
When an Opportunity is created, it is also always linked to an Account - where one Account can have many Opportunities.
The direct relationship between Contacts and Opportunities is not a standard functionality, since the Salesforce system cannot make assumptions about which Contacts on an Account are directly related to an Opportunity.
Related Contacts for the Parent Account
Out of the box, Swantide offers the ability to view associated Contacts at the Account level when looking at an Opportunity Record.
Oftentimes, this data is enough at the Opportunity level for smaller Sales teams working primarily with Accounts with one or two Contacts. You can see the information you need (aka the Contacts that exist on the associated Account), without having to take the extra step of defining the Contact's role at the Opportunity level.
βOpportunity Contact Roles
In order to establish the unique relationship between Contacts and Opportunities, you can request the Swantide workflow Opportunity Contact Roles.
Typically Opportunity Contact roles become relevant as your Sales team is growing, and the Accounts you are working with have more and more Contacts, playing different roles on one or many different Opportunities. Additionally, if it's important for your team to see a Contact's Activity information at the Opportunity object, you will have to introduce the Contact Roles workflow.
With Opportunity Contact Roles, you can define the role that a particular Contact plays on an Opportunity-by-Opportunity basis. This means that if a particular Contact is the key decision maker on a New Business Opportunity, you can mark them as such; then when it comes time for the Renewal Opportunity, if they are now the Executive Sponsor, you can establish that relationship on the new Opportunity as well - while still retaining the parent Opp relationship information.
Steps to setup Opportunity Contact Roles:
Navigate to the swantide app workflows feature (https://app.swantide.com/workflows)
Under the section "Analyze Opportunities and Pipeline" - request the Contact Roles workflow be turned on
Using Opportunity Contact Roles:
Click the carrot button under the Contact Roles related list and choose "Add Contact Roles"
Select the Contact(s) from the associated Account that you would like to link to the Opportunity and click Next
Choose the role that the Contact plays on the particular Opportunity and click Save
Note: you can always update the list of Contact Roles that you have to choose from if your organization has different terminology behind roles Contacts play on Opportunities - please send a request through Slackbot to have any Contact Role values adjusted or removed.