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Upload Data to HubSpot
Ryan Baer avatar
Written by Ryan Baer
Updated over a week ago

You can use HubSpot's Data Upload tool to upload large sets of data.

Step 1: Export and Cleanse File for Upload

The first step is to select the data you'll be importing to HubSpot. You can either export this data directly from a CRM if you've been using one previously, or find the file where this information has been stored. HubSpot accepts Excel and CSV files.

The required fields when creating records in HubSpot are:


  • Company Name

  • Company Domain Name (If you haven't tracked this historically, consider exporting this information from a data enrichment source such as Apollo and mapping to your Company list in your file).


  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email


  • Deal Name

  • Company

  • Deal Stage

  • Sales Pipeline

Some tips/common errors to avoid:

  • Some HubSpot properties are open-ended (e.g. Number of Employees, Company Names) while others reference other HubSpot records (e.g. Deal Owner must be a user in HubSpot, Associated Company on a Deal must be a Deal in HubSpot). Fields that reference other HubSpot records must exactly match the name of

  • It's common for companies who have not used a CRM before to not have tracked Deal Stages. In this case, we would suggest 1) defining your sales stages prior to cleansing your file, and 2) uploading deals that represent active sales processes, current (and even churned) customers, as well as lost deals.

  • Be careful when uploading data to drop-down select fields (e.g. Opportunity Stage). These fields will only accept values that are listed in the drop-down, so be sure that the field matches the picklist options in HubSpot. You can view or update those options by navigating to Settings -> Data Management -> Properties

Step 2: Begin Import

Under Contacts, select either Companies or Contacts. In the top right hand corner, click Import:

If migrating to HubSpot for CRM, select start an import. Select the number of files you're uploading, and then select the appropriate number of objects (i.e. Companies, Contacts, and Deals) that you're uploading at once.

Most exports from a CRM are organized by object type, so it's likely that you would only be importing one object in this case. If you've been tracking your sales pipeline in a spreadsheet, it's likely that your file will contain multiple objects since many of our customers have stored information that lives in multiple objects "flat" in one file.

HubSpot will inform you of any errors in your file upload. Feel free to reach out to or chat us on Intercom in the Swantide App ( if you have any questions.

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