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Field Configuration in Swantide
Field Configuration in Swantide

This article walks you through how to use the Custom Fields module in Swantide to create and edit your custom fields.

Andrew Tzikas avatar
Written by Andrew Tzikas
Updated over a week ago

In the Swantide App, navigate to Configuration, then Custom Fields ( From here, you can see the different Objects in your Salesforce environment. To create or edit fields on different objects, simply toggle to the different Object Names.

Adding a new field: when creating a new custom field, once you create it in the App, it will be simultaneously pushed to your Salesforce environment. The field should then immediately be visible on the associated object's page layout. If you would like this field to be re-arranged in the view, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

Editing a new field: when editing a new field, the changes made will be pushed directly to your Salesforce environment. These changes should be immediately visible in your instance.

Examples of common field edits are: changing a field name, adding or editing pick-list values, etc.

Determining which object to create a field in:

Lead Fields:

We recommend using Leads as a place to capture and store data before it gets verified. This means when Leads come into Salesforce, they probably have basic information like (Company, Name, Email, etc). As soon as the data is verified as a real person it will be converted to a Contact/Account to be worked and discover more information on.

This is why Lead fields are typically very basic and not many custom fields need to be created.

Question to ask yourself: will I know this data when the Lead enters Salesforce before it's verified? If yes, then it should be a Lead field. If no, then it's better off on an Account or Contact field

Examples of Lead Custom Fields: If you have custom questions on your website's Contact Us Form such as, "How many people are on your engineering team?" You would likely want to create a field on the Lead object in Salesforce to capture the number of Engineering team members that is submitted on the form.

Tip: match the field type in Salesforce to the collection point's data type. In the example above, if the user can submit text entries outside of just number characters, the Salesforce field type should be TEXT to match the submission source.

Account Fields:

We recommend using Accounts as a place to capture and store data that relates to the Company overall. Since Accounts in Salesforce are One Account to Many Contacts & One Account to Many Opportunities, the data stored on the Account object should always remain the same across all of its Contacts or Opportunities.

A good way to think about this is the Email field. The email field differs across Contacts, so at the Account level, we don't store an Email field. Instead, we store Website which is the same across all Contacts.

Another example is an Opportunity's ARR. Since a New Business Opportunity can be a $10,000 ARR deal but the next renewal Opportunity could be $20,000, this data is stored on the Opportunity level and not the Account level. If you want to roll-up Opportunity fields to the Account, check out the Swantide Workflow on rolling up field data.

Question to ask yourself: is this data going to stay the same across all associated Contact and Opportunity records? If yes, it's likely an Account field. If not, consider whether it belongs on the Contact or Opportunity.

Examples of Account Custom Fields: Account Health, Account Funding Stage, etc

Contact Fields:

We recommend using Contacts as a place to capture and store data that relates to the Contact's personal information. Each Contact that you are in touch with and plays a role in the sales process should have its own individual Contact record to store their unique personal information on.

Question to ask yourself: is this data unique to a person that I am working with on an Account?

Examples of Contact Custom Fields: LinkedIn Profile URL, Person Notes, etc

Opportunity Fields:

We recommend using Opportunities as a place to store data unique to a particular deal and should be a point in time source of record for that deal. Any information captured on the Account that you would like displayed on the Opportunity should not have a field created for it and instead you should ask your CSM to help you display the Account field data onto the Opportunity via a lookup.

Question to ask yourself: is this data unique to the particular deal at hand? Are we documenting a point in time data-point, such as what tools we are competing with or replacing on this particular deal? If the answer is Yes, then we should house this data on the Opportunity.

Examples of Opportunity Custom Fields: Competition, Integrations, Demo Completed Date, Objections Surfaced, etc.


Why don't I see a specific field type as on option when creating a new field?

  • We have restricted access to certain field types to help keep your environment clean. If you'd like to make a feedback request for certain field types, please let you CSM know!

Why don't I see fields such as Stage, Source, Status, etc?

  • These fields are Salesforce native fields, which means they aren't "custom" fields. In order to make changes to these, we ask that you go through your CSM to ensure no high-level process changes are made to native fields that could have subsequent consequences throughout your environment.

I'm looking for an Object that isn't listed in the Configuration Fields section, where is it?

  • If you have a custom object that is not visible, please reach out to your CSM so we can create a feature request on your behalf to add the custom object.

Can I map fields to fields on other objects?

  • This functionality is possible for Lead fields to be mapped to Contact, Account, and Opportunity fields so that upon conversion, the data is maintained on the new objects. If you create a field that you would like mapped, please reach out to your CSM to implement.

Troubleshooting: if for any reason the newly created field or edits are not visible in your Salesforce environment, please let you Customer Success Manger know immediately so they can assist you.

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