In order to define revenue metrics on an Opportunity, you will need to add Products to the respective Opportunity. Depending on the Products added, their billing cycles and time units, and their prices, the MRR, ARR, and TCV fields will be auto calculated.
To add an Opportunity, take the following steps:
Navigate to the Products related list in the upper left-hand side of the Opportunity
Click "Add Products"
Check the box on the Product line item(s) that you would like to add to the Opportunity and Click "Next" (you can adjust the prices and quantities on the next screen)
Adjust the Sales Price as needed and choose the Quantity
Typically, the quantity will be "1", standard use cases of Quantities of greater than one are when Products are charged on a per user basis - if that is the case, and for example you are selling to 300 users, the Quantity should equal 300
Click "Save" once Sales Price and Quantity are correct for the Opportunity at hand
To edit existing Opportunity Products, take the following steps:
Click "Edit Products"
Delete or edit the individual line items requiring updates and click "Save"
Note: You can adjust your Price book and individual Product offerings directly in the Swantide app, details on how to do this in the article, Managing Products in Swantide.