Let's say you're importing data for the first time or have a number of opportunity products that you'd like to add to Salesforce in bulk. If that's the case, you've come to the right place.
You can use these instructions in any import tool of choice (Dataloader.io, Inspector, etc). In this example, we're using Salesforce Inspector Chrome extension.
After importing your Opportunity data or creating it manually, and your Products are created (you can do this in the Swantide app), take the steps below to attach opportunity products:
First, you're going to need your Product level data to associate the correct products to your opportunities. We're using Inspector to grab this data by creating the following query, and clicking export:
Export your Opportunities with names and Ids to keep them straight, then you can use this template to map Opportunity Ids to the Product2Id, PricebookEntry Id, Unit Price, and Quantity associated.
Once you have compiled a row for each combination of opportunity and opportunity product with the required fields: Opportunity ID, Product2Id, PricebookEntryId, UnitPrice (please see below for UnitPrice considerations), and Quantity, you can import these as net new OpportunityLineItem object in your environment using your import tool of choice.
Important Note on Unit Price and Quantity: based on the time unit/billing cycle of the product (Product2.Swantide_Time_unit__c field on the Product2 object), it will impact what you should list as the unit price and quantity.
For Monthly products, you'll want to be sure that you enter the monthly price as the UnitPrice, rather than the total contract value, so as not to multiply the price.
For Annual products, this list price should be the total price for the whole year, with a quantity of 1.
If you are entering in multiple quantities, let's say a product is $100 a month and they bought 10. The Unit Price will be 100, and the Quantity will be 10. The MRR will total up to $1,000/mo and ARR to $12,000, automatically.