Einstein Activity Capture is a way to sync over all of your email and calendar correspondences with Contacts in Salesforce automatically! For Accounts newly setup, the activity capture will pull in data retroactively up to 180 days. Follow the steps below to setup or troubleshoot.
Initial Setup:
Navigate to the blue banner at the top of your Salesforce when you login, it should mention Einstein Activity Capture
Follow the prompts to setup Activity Capture
Download the gmail plugin https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/salesforce/jjghhkepijgakdammjldcbnjehfkfmha
Log out of Salesforce and Log back in
From the personal settings (upper right-hand corner click on profile icon), enter Connected Accounts in the Quick Find box, and then select Email and Calendar Accounts.
Click Reconnect and follow the prompts to re-connect
Log out of Salesforce and Log back in
Key Requirement: in order for Salesforce to recognize that emails or calendar invites should be pulled in, there must be a corresponding Contact in Salesforce for the person you are emailing.
Example: I am emailing with Khakie Nies at Swantide and her email is khakie@swantide.com. The only way for Salesforce to pull in our email correspondence is if I have created a Contact record with the email khakie@swantide.com and linked it to the Account, Swantide.
Once this data is pulled accurate in Salesforce, email and calendar information will be pulled through.
I think some of my activity data is missing, what do I do?
First, take the troubleshooting steps above to reconnect your activity account
Check to make sure the person you are emailing or meeting with has a matching Contact (with the same email) in Salesforce
If neither of these steps work, reach out to your Customer Success Manager
I see activity data on the Account but not the Opportunity, why is that?
In order for activity data to be brought over to the Opportunity from the Account, you need to ensure that the unique Opportunity <> Contact Role relationship is setup for the person you are communicating with.
If the Contact is simply listed on the Account, then Salesforce has no way to identify that the Contact should also be linked to an Opportunity associated with the Account.
In order for the data to pull through, you will need to setup the relationship with Opportunity Contact Roles, which you can read more about in the article, Associating Contacts with Opportunities