Einstein Activity Capture is a free (typically up to 100 users) feature from Salesforce that allows you to view emails and events synced from your reps' Microsoft or Google accounts to your Contacts in Salesforce.
To setup Einstein, take the following steps:
Login to your Salesforce Admin Account
Navigate to "Setup" - you can do this using the gear icon in the upper-right hand corner of your home screen
Search for "Einstein Activity Capture" in the Quick Find & select "Settings"
βClick "Get Started" and Authorize access for Salesforce to access your organization's Email and Calendar (be sure to read through to ensure this makes sense for your org!)
Choose the Email and Calendar Service that your organization uses
Choose between "User Level" or "Service Account" - this specifies if users will be required authorize Einstein on their own or if you prefer to do so on an organization wide level
Name your configuration, we typically use the pattern "Company Name - Einstein Configuration" for example, "Swantide - Einstein Configuration" and ensure the Configuration is marked as Active. Click Next.
Choose your settings, we typically toggle on each option as enabled and choose All Contacts as the filter. Click Next.
Choose the advanced settings that you'd like, we typically leave all of the settings that Salesforce has defaulted. Click Next.
Add Users and Profiles: next you will assign which users should have access to sync up their calendars to Salesforce. If you want all of your users, we suggest toggling off of the "User" filter and instead choose "Profiles." (Note: you can always update this later on!)
Then Toggle through any of the Profiles that you use in your environment, typically our customers have both Standard and System Administrator Profiles.
Click Next.Enter in any customer or internal domains that should be left out of activity capture. This is simply saying if you have any specific customers who you have agreed to not share their messages with or if you want to ensure no internal emails are brought into Salesforce, you can do so by excluding domains. Click Next once complete.
Choose your sharing settings - we recommend choosing "Share with Everyone"
Click Finish and you have configured your Einstein Settings!
Add Users to Einstein Permissions:
Once you have your configuration stood up, you'll need to ensure you assign Einstein Licenses to the users that you'd like to have access to the tool. You can do so by taking the following steps:
Navigate to Setup (the gear icon in the top right-hand corner of your screen)
Type in "Permission Sets" and click on it
Navigate to the Standard Einstein Activity Capture permission set and click into that Permission Set's link
From here, click "Manage Assignments"
Click "Add Assignment" in the far right-hand side of your screen
Ensure you are filtered to "All Users" and select all of the users that you'd like to have access to sync their activities with Einstein. Then click Next.
No changes need to be made on this screen, you can simply click "Assign"
Individual User Requirements:
Each user assigned to the Standard Einstein Activity Capture permission set needs to connect their account to Salesforce. The admin can not do this on behalf of the Salesforce user because the admin will not have access to the users email account. Below are steps necessary to complete the setup for each individual user:
Navigate to the Profile icon at the top right of the page and click "View Profile" and then "Settings".
Navigate to "Connected Accounts" and click "Email and Calendar Accounts".
Click "New Account"
Select preferred email and calendar service to connect.
Follow prompts to connect account until completed. A green bar should appear at the top of the screen to let the user know setup is complete.
Manage Users As An Admin:
As an admin, you want to know which of your users have taken the necessary steps to connect their email and calendar once they are assigned the proper permission set. TO do this, follow the below steps: