With this Swantide Notification, you can set a recipient or recipients to receive an Email Notification when a Date or Date/Time field on a record equals "Today." "Today" in this context means the date of which the field has been populated and that value has now approached.
Say for example, I have a field called "Contract End Date" on an Opportunity Record. I populate Contract End Date as 2/8/2024 and "Today" happens to be 2/8/2024. Given this use case, the recipients I entered in the Workflow Template (Including the Opportunity Owner - already hardcoded in the template) will send an Email Notification letting them know that the Opportunity's Contract End Date has approached.
Variable Inputs:
Input 1, I select the Object and Date Field in Scope, in this example Opportunity > Contract End Date
Input 2, I enter any additional recipients into the Email Template. We have already included the Opportunity Owner, so in the below screenshot, I also added that Halina and Matt should receive this email notification
Input 3, I type out what the Subject of the Email should be
Input 4, I type out what the Body of the Email should be (Note, we already included the record name and link to the Record in Scope.
Inputs 5 & 6, I type out what Hour and Min this email should be fired out on a daily basis given a record in scope meets the entry criteria.
Input 7, lastly, I type out or paste my Salesforce Instance URL so we can link the record in scope (which is related to input 4).
In Salesforce, we can check on an Opportunity Record that meets this criteria. If the Opportunity Records in this example have a Contract End Date of 2/8/2024 which is the date of which this article was written, then we should see an email notification as such.