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Swantide Workflows
Swantide Workflows

Take a deep dive into our workflow offerings

Roll up Total Number of Opportunities
Require Specific Price Book
Require Opportunity Products
Default Opportunity Stage on Converted Leads
Auto Convert Leads to Contacts
Onboarding Cycle Time Stage Duration
Sum Custom Fields onto the Account
Roll up Total ARR on Account Across all Product Instances
Roll up Total ARR on Account across Closed Won Opportunities
Tracking Expansion Revenue from Parent Opportunity
Automatically Create Renewal Opportunities
Swantide Product Data Package
Executive Sales Summary
Move Opportunities One Stage at a Time
Manually set amount value on opportunities
Enhanced Forecasting & Pipeline Analysis
Auto Create Account/Opportunity Team Members
Marketing Automation Integration
Bring Website Sign-Ups into Salesforce
Standardize Opportunity Names
Mark Account as Customer
Opportunity Contact Roles
Track Opportunity Conversion and Average Sales Cycle
Auto Add Products to Opportunities
Onboarding Cycles
Salesforce Chatter
Associate Contact Lead Source
Require Contacts for Closed Won Opportunities
Default Account & Opportunity Teams
Restrict Account Ownership
Account & Opportunity Teams
Email & Activity Syncing
Track MEDDPICC Fields on Opportunities
Update Close Date
Match Contact Owners to Account Owners
Update Contract End Date
Marketing Overview Dashboard
Track UTM Values
Start Opportunities in the First Stage
Rule-based Assignment of Incoming Leads
Swantide Workflow Templates
Timestamp Any Pick-List Field’s Entry Dates
Timestamp Any Pick-List Field’s Exit Dates
Count the Number of Associated Records to an Object via a Lookup Field
Count the Number of Tasks on Leads/Accounts
Count the Number of Events on Leads/Accounts
Match Child Account Owners to Parent
Update Converted Contact Field When Opportunity Exists
Display Most Recent Opportunity on Account
Display Most Recent Opportunity Stage on the Account
Slack Notification for Opportunity Stage Change
Email Notification for Opportunity Stage Change
Require Fields by Opportunity Stage
Next Step History
Mark Closed Won Opportunities as Active Opportunities
Create a Summary Roll up field from Active Opportunities onto Account
Roll up a Field from Product Instance onto its Related Account
Swantide's Custom CreatedBy Field (Assign Reps on Opportunity Creation)
Send an Email Notification to Opportunity Owner X Amount of Days before its Close Date
Setting up Process Automation Settings
Product Instance Management Dashboard
Automatically Create an Opportunity Contact Role on New Opportunity Creation
Get Notified on Idle Dates on an Opportunity
Enforce Close Opportunity Button
Update a Picklist Value from another Picklist
Update a Contact Pick-List Field from an Update on an Opportunity Pick-List Field
Update an Account Pick-List Value from an Update on Opportunity Pick-List Field
Getting Started with BANT Sales Methodology and Swantide
Require Phone, Email, or URL value on Lead Create
Check if Lead Email is a Business Email Domain
Lock Down Opportunity Fields by Profile
Required Fields on Opportunity Creation
Getting Started with MEDPICC Sales Methodology and Swantide
Require Account Fields to be Entered When an Account Picklist Field is Populated
Require Fields on the Onboarding Object for Stage Changes
Start Onboarding Cycle Records in the First Stage
Update Lead Pick-List Value after X Days of Inactivity
Using a Record's Full 18 Digit Id
Track Activity Attribution on Any Object Record within X Number of Days
Setting up Swantide Round Robin Package
Updating your Auto Convert Lead to Contact Flow
Required Fields on Lead Create
Required Fields on Lead Before Lead Convert
Required Fields on Onboarding Cycle Creation
Track BANT Fields on Lead or Opportunity Records
Formula Field to Check BANT Complete on Leads
Require BANT Fields to be Filled out Prior to Lead Conversion
Require BANT to be Completed to move to a specific Opportunity Stage
Formula Field to Check BANT Complete on Opportunities
Calculate the # of Days Between Opportunity Closed Date and Created Date
Calculate the Number of Days an Opportunity Is or Was Open
Calculate the Number of Days of a Picklist Value on Any Object
Roll Up a Currency Field on Each Product Instance Record Onto a Related Object Record
Upload Opportunity Files to Account on Closed Won Opportunities
Opportunity Closing Flow
Roll Up a Numeric Field on Each Product Instance Record Onto a Related Object Record
Display Data from One Object to Another
Swantide Notes Object
Create a Lookup Field from One Object to Another
Timestamp a Picklist Field Entry and Exit Points on Any Object
Associate Multiple Contacts to an Onboarding Cycle Record
Update a Lead or Contact Picklist Field when Activity (Task or Event) is Logged
Send a Slack Message for a Picklist Value on Lead Records
Send a Slack Message for a Picklist Value on Contact Records
Automatically Create an Opportunity Based on a Value on a Free Text Field
Sync a Specific Picklist Value Between Product Instance Record(s) and Lead
Send a Slack Message to the Individual Record Owner when a Date Field is Changed on Account
Relate Most Recent Campaign Association on Lead and Contact
Create Renewal Opportunity when Onboarding Cycle Record is Closed
Send Email Notification to Case Owner Based on Case Priority
Manager Forecast Category Override
Auto Create Opportunity from a Checkbox Field
Send an Email Notification when a Checkbox Field Equals True
Send an Email Notification when an Opportunity Date Field Equals Today
Send an Email Notification when a New Record is Created
Mass Update Case Status From Account
Update an Opportunity Picklist Value from Primary Opportunity Contact Role
Validate US Billing Country and State Codes on Account Records
Update Account Owner to Match Opportunity Owner based on Opportunity Type
Check which Record Owners are Active or Inactive
Lead-to-Opportunity Lifecycle Tracker
Send an Email Notification on Case Picklist Value
Create Multiple Task at Each Opportunity Stage
Required Fields by Lead Status