Login to your Salesforce instance and click on the "Setup" gear icon in the upper-right hand corner of your screen
Navigate to the quick find box on the left-hand side of your screen and type in "Users"
Click onto the Users page as displayed below and click "New User"
Type in the following information for the new account (any fields not listed will autofill):
First: Swantide
Last: Admin
Custom Email: [yourcompanydomain]@swantide.com
For example, if your company name is Our Product but your domain is useourproduct.com would be useourproduct@swantide.io
User License must be set to: Salesforce (if this is not available, you will have to purchase another license)
Profile: System Administrator
Ensure that the generate new password is toggled on and click "Save"
To initiate your Onboarding, you will take the following steps to provision an admin seat to the Swantide team in your environment

Written by Engineering Swantide
Updated over 10 months ago