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Swantide Tickets

Overview and guide for how to use tickets and the ensuing benefits

Matthew Sanders avatar
Written by Matthew Sanders
Updated over a week ago

With a strong focus on streamlined communication and an array of feature enhancements, Swantide is delighted to introduce our new ticketing services, aimed at elevating your customer experience and delivering efficient solutions to your inquiries and requests.

Below is an overview of Swantide tickets and a how-to guide for creating and collaborating on tickets.

Why Are We Using Tickets?

As RevOps professionals, we realize speed and accuracy are of the utmost importance. Therefore, we are making this change as a way to improve our product offering for you! Utilizing tickets will help us roll out AI functionality to help our customers answer Salesforce questions and debug unexpected outputs in the Salesforce. Our goal in using tickets is twofold:

  1. Efficient Communication: Structured requests will minimize back and forth communication and ensure our team has everything we need to address your needs.

  2. Product Development: Our Product and CS teams can more easily build features and documentation that address persistent customer questions.

What Ticket Types Does Swantide Support?

Now that we covered why we are utilizing tickets, lets talk about specific use cases and how we intend to collect information.

Ticket Type

Use Case


I Need Help Understanding Salesforce Data

This ticket is meant to collect information when a customer requires assistance with implementing substantial data modifications within their Salesforce environment, ensuring that their data management needs are efficiently addressed and optimized.

After a sales rep leaves, the customer needs help transferring Account ownership via the Swantide Data Transfer tool.

I Need Help With The Swantide App

Customers should utilize this ticket when encountering issues with the Swantide app, seeking guidance to resolve any technical glitches or anomalies they may be experiencing.

The customer is experiencing issues when trying to deploy a workflow from the Swantide app.

I Want To Understand My Salesforce

This ticket is best suited for when customers are facing discrepancies between the observed outcomes and their expected results within Salesforce and need assistance troubleshooting any issues within their Salesforce.

The customer expected leads to be routed through the Mis-Market queue, but a sales rep from the SMB queue was assigned the lead through the Round Robin.

I Need Help Troubleshooting Salesforce

This ticket should be used when customers encounter obstacles such as error messages or task completion hindrances, as this ticket type is tailored to efficiently address and resolve specific process-related issues, ensuring a smooth user experience.

The customer has a user who is trying to move an Opportunity to Closed-Won, but is receiving an error that prevents them from completing the task.

I Want To Update A Workflow

Customers should select this ticket when they have an already established workflow in place but require assistance in modifying its processes to accommodate evolving needs.

The customer wants to add new field requirements to the Opportunity Closed-Won screen flow.

I Want To Request A Workflow

This ticket is designed to collect information on a new workflow that will help a customer automate processes that will streamline operations and improve overall productivity.

The customer has a net-new request to build a validation rule requiring certain stages have exit criteria before a rep can move an Opportunity.

Step By Step Guide For Creating Tickets

Step 1: Open the Swantide App And Click On Chat Icon

Step 2: Open The Chat & Navigate To The 'Create a ticket' Section

Step 3: Select The Appropriate Ticket

Step 4: Fill In The Required Information

Step 5: Once Completed, Click 'Create Ticket'

Step 6: Navigate To 'Tickets' To View All Submitted Tickets

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