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Pipeline Review Dashboard
Ryan Baer avatar
Written by Ryan Baer
Updated over a week ago


This dashboard provides more insight into your active pipeline. Dashboard components include:

  • Weighted and Unweighted ARR and TCV for the Current Quarter & Next Quarter

  • Total Count of Opps by Stage for Current & Next Quarter

  • Unweighted ARR by Stage for Current & Next Quarter

  • Weighted ARR by Stage for Current & Next Quarter

  • List of all open opportunities and next steps

  • List of all leads for review

  • Weighted and Unweighted ARR grouped by quarter of closing


The Sales Pipeline Dashboard shows 8 key reports for sales leaders:

  • Unweighted Currency value of Deals Created This Quarter

  • Unweighted Currency value of Deals Closing This Quarter

  • Weighted Currency value of Deals Created This Quarter

  • Weighted Currency value of Deals Closing This Quarter

  • Active Deals - Deals where the stage has been updated in the past X days (you can define the term length based on what makes sense for your sales process)

  • Stale Deals - Deals created in the last 90 days where the stage has not been updated in the past Y days (also defined based on your sales cycle)

  • Open Tasks - Lists all open tasks by sales rep

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